Here are some common questions our software products and services. If you still have a question after reading this page you may E-mail your question to
Why Hide your IP?
As soon as you go online, you obtain an Internet Protocol address, commonly refereed to as an IP. This is your online fingerprint, so to speak, and can act as a form of internet tracking device.Its your right to remain anonymous and protect your privacy and your online identity, and all that goes with this including personal and financial information.
If you value your privacy and want to make it more difficult for the scammers and hackers then join the anonymous surfing revolution today ! With IPMasquerade you can surf with a fake IP address that conceals your real IP and stay ahead of the hackers.
What exactly does IP Masquerade do?
The software will scan our database of hundreds of proxy IP addresses and match the best ones to your chosen websites that you want to surf.You can then select a fake IP from the list to surf the internet without revealing your true Ip and location, as well as other private information. You will then be able to browse the Internet with your favorite web browser while protecting your true IP information.
Is the software difficult to use ?
Not at all.You simply enter your websites of interest into the software and click “scan”.The software does the rest and populates a table of the best IP addresses for you to use.You then select one and click Masq me and you are then surfing with a fake IP address.Anyone can use the software, it really is that easy!
What browsers are compatible with IP Masquerade?
IPMasquerade works with the most popular browsers, Firefox, Chrome & Internet Explorer.
Are there any special instructions for any specific browser that I need to know about ?
Firefox users who use the software for the first time will need to set their browsers settings to the “Use system proxy” settings when they use the software for the first time.Then you can use it as above thereafter with no further browser setting adjustments required.The setings for Firefox are as follows :
Options > Advanced tab> Network> Settings >Use system proxy settings > OK
This is illustrated below :

What about Internet Explorer & Chrome ?
IE and Chrome users require no initial setting changes and can use the software as is.
Are all the proxies the same ?
No.Proxy anonymity levels differ.Some are highly anonymous, some are anonymous & some are transparent.
So, whats the difference between them ?
Transparent proxies will show your IP as a fake IP which hs been forwarded by your real IP.
Anonymous & highly anonymous proxies will hide your real IP completely.You can choose which level of proxy to select depending on your website of choice and the level of information you are happy to disclose to that site.Some very trustworthy sites may allow for transparent proxies whilst others you may wish to remain entirely anonymous, therefore you should se an anonymous proxy from the list.This allows you you to remain in control of the level of anonymity your are comfortable with.
IPMasquerade makes it easy to see which are transparent & those that are anonymous ( or highly anonymous ).
So, how do I know which is which from the list of proxies ?
Thats easy.
All anonymous and high anonymous will be highlighted in green in the scanned table.All transparent proxies are in white.
Can I save my favourite IP addresses?
Of course.Just click the save button and this will load these proxies the next time you open the software.
Will Hide My IP work with my router or Dial-Up, wireless etc Internet connections?
Yes, the software is compatible with all types of routers, firewalls, home networks, wireless networks, and any other kind of Internet connection.
Does using IPMasquerade slow down my internet connection?
The IPs are located all over the world and therefore by selecting the closest ones to your location will ensure the fastest response ( as well as the response time of the IP of course). For example, If you live in the United States and would like the fastest browsing, check the tablefor a USA proxie and select Require US-Based IP.If you are using a fake IP located outside the country you live in, your browsing may be slightly slower.
Can I install IP Masquerade on multiple devices with the one licence?
You need to purchase a license key for each computer you wish to run the software on.Licence keys are transferable to a new pc.
How can I check my IP address?
You can see this from the software interface which will show both your real IP and the proxy being used, as well as other information like country of origin, proxy response time , IP address etc.
If I have any more questions can you help with these?
Of course.Just email
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