How to hide your IP address & how it works !
Protect your online identity with the best hide IP address software today !
A simple, clean interface makes using the software a breeze !
IP Masquerade saves you so much time and effort trying to find good, reliable and live proxy IP addresses.The software does all of this for you and matches the best available proxies to the websites you want to view.All at the click of a button !
You can see some of the features highlighted below :
Enter any websites you visit regularly, or are interested in, and add them to Managed scanned website in the settings :
There are several default websites of general interest but you can add others with a recommended total of up to 15 websites at any one time !
Then open the Manage your IP’s from the settings tab and add any specific IP addresses you have that you want to include.The software will scan these IP’s as well as the hundreds from our live database.
Once you have done this you are finished and all that’s required is to click the scan button :
Then watch the magic as the software begins to scan from the hundreds of IP addresses.The best ( and quickest ones ) will be populated in the table listing the following information for you :
IP address and port number.
The IP address country of origin.
The scanned website, ie
The response time of the IP
A save option to store the IP address for future use.
These options are filterable in the sort menu.You can select whatever results in whatever order you want first.For example the response time may be important.So you can filter this to show the IP addresses with the quickest response time to the website of your choice .
You can track the progress of the scan by the green progress bar.You can also stop the scan at any time if you think you have enough IP addresses for the sites you want to view:
Then it’s just a simple case of selecting the best IP address from the table for the chosen website.Then click the all important Masq me button !
The software does the rest and will ensure your real IP address is hidden and you surf your chosen website with the proxy IP of your choice ! Your online protection is now is place.
Watch it in real time in the video below!
Online security at the click of a button ! Simple !
Your online identity and privacy is intact and you are free from hackers and scammers who exploit your IP.There’s now no need to worry about relaying any of your private information to the world !
When you go online, remember to WEAR THE MASQ !